Mitchell County Commissioners Meeting Nov 10th


Mitchell County Commissioners

November 10, 2014

By Terry Bailey


The Mitchell County Commissioners conducted their weekly business meeting yesterday morning. All Commissioners and the County Clerk were present

The Commissioners dealt with one timely piece of business to start the morning’s activities. Heather Hartman, Economic Development specialist, requested that the Commissioners take action regarding the Neighborhood Revitalization program. Hartman has completed all the necessary volumes of paperwork to renew the Neighborhood Revitalization program and forwarded it to the Attorney General’s office for approval. In the past this has been virtually an automatic routine act of “send it in, they sign off and send it back.” For some reason, there have been delays on many of the Counties grant applications submitted from across the state, including the Mitchell County application. Hartman said, “It appears that this is one of those bureaucratic bumps in the road that happen in Topeka. Everyone expects that it will be ironed out and it will be business as usual.”

The wording in the Mitchell County Neighborhood Revitalization ordinances mandates that construction on projects MAY NOT BEGIN until official approval is given. Since the Commissioners cannot give official approval until the Attorney General’s offices signs off on the Interlocal agreement, under the current wording, no work can begin.

The Commissioners unanimously voted to waive the “no start until approval is given” wording which would enable people to start work right away. Because of the approaching colder weather delays in beginning construction could be costly.

According to figures furnished by Hartman, the value of construction costs sanctioned last year in the Neighborhood Revitalization program are as follows: Agricultural related – three point one million dollars, Commercial property – thirty-one point seven million dollars, and Residential property – sixteen point one million dollars for a total of fifty point nine million dollars. This amount increased the assessed evaluation of Mitchell County by eight point seven percent.

The Commissioners approved a Neighborhood Revitalization grant application from Greg Koeningsman for residential renovations in the amount of one hundred thirty-five thousand five hundred fifty six dollars.

A Cereal Malt Beverage license for the Beloit Pizza Hut was approved.

Commissioner Mike Cooper requested a fifteen minute executive session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel. No action was taken.

Larry Emerson, Public Works Superintendent, informed the Commissioners that the paperwork continues to be submitted for the Causeway road improvement project. He also told the Commissioners that his crews had finished installing snow fence to help with drifting snow later on in the winter.

Emerson reported that the crews should finish up the mowing of township roadways by Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, his men have performed ditch cleaning in areas where patrons have reported flooding and poor drainage. He believes they have fixed the problems.

On Saturday the scales used to weigh loads brought to the landfill quit working. By consensus the weight of the loads were estimated using previous load tickets so that the unloading could be done in a timely fashion. This seemed to work in everyone’s favor. Emerson expected the scale repair person to be there on Monday to fix the scales.

On a final note, Emerson told the Commissioners that the track loader used at the landfill is twenty years old and is very well worn. He expects it not to last much longer. The Commissioners requested that Emerson review potential replacement machines and report back to them on type, style, and most importantly, cost.

Emergency Medical Services Director, Ed Debesis presented his monthly report to the Commissioners. Hid department charged twenty-two thousand nine hundred fourteen dollars in the month of October and collected nineteen thousand one hundred sixty five dollars. Additionally they had to write off four thousand seven hundred twenty five thousand dollars.

In October they made forty runs with Thursday being the busiest day. The average age of the patients was 60.

The Commissioners met with Debesis in a fifteen minute executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. No action was taken.

Having completed all the items on the agenda the meeting was adjourned.