The Board of Trustees for the Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems met last night for their regular monthly meeting.  After approving the agenda, minutes from the October 2014 meeting, and approving the consent agenda, the Board was able to hear current business and be updated on old business.

Foundation Executive Director Stephanie Simmons gave the Board an update on happenings with the Purdue House and other items in which the Foundation has been involved.  The Purdue House has been completed and has been hosting one guest each week for the last few weeks.  Ms. Simmons stated that several people from around the community were to thank for work that has been done at the Purdue House, and there are several events scheduled beginning December 6th and continuing through that week.  Another activity reported on from the Foundation was the MCHHS Fall Fun Run 2014 with 30 participants that brought in a little over $1,000 to be used to benefit the Obstetrics Department at the hospital.  The Foundation has also received several memorials and donations recently and is involved in a grant completed by the KDHE in which Beloit is one of seven Kansas communities (two of which are rural) to receive funds in 2015 from a federally-offered grant.

CEO Jeremy Armstrong gave an Administrator's Report partially to update the Board on the search for a surgeon to come to Beloit to be a part of the staff at MCHHS.  The candidate is a fifth-year resident from Wichita who the CEO called a "great candidate" who is married with a family.  Mr. Armstrong said he would like to see this candidate come back to Beloit for a second interview.  He also updated the Board on items that he is adding to his reports to keep the Board more updated as to what is happening with him and with the Hospital in general.

The Board also heard about regulations involving law enforcement officers and what in formation they can be given under HIPAA guidelines in regard to disclosure of protected health information.  The Board also approved a complaint/concern form and discussed how complaints and concerns can be best received by hospital staff whether those comments are given in a face-to-face manner or anonymously.  

Years of service awards were discussed last night also, and Pat Bergman, lab, and Doris Shroyer, acute, were both recognized for 35 years of service.

The Board ended their meeting with an executive session to discuss medical staff credentials and non-elected personnel.