Tuesday May 12th Beloit Planning Commission Meeting


Planning Commission Adopts Three Mile Zoning Jurisdiction

By Terry Bailey


The Beloit Planning Commission conducted an open meeting at the Municipal Building on Tuesday evening, May 12. Members of the Commission are Cheryl Renter, Chairperson, Nick Richmond, Greg Drum, Kathy Roberts, and Andrew Grabon. All members were present for the meeting. Also in attendance was a crowd of over 50 concerned citizens. Crowds of similar or larger size have been in attendance at Planning Commission meetings for a number of months.

Chairperson Cheryl Renter called the meeting to order promptly at seven p.m. The first items on the agenda were two variance requests. One was from Branden and Amanda Pounds and the other was from Chris Pruitt. Both were approved.

At five minutes past seven o’clock, Renter declared the public hearing to be in session. She invited anyone in attendance wishing to speak to come forward to the microphone, introduce themselves, and to state their thoughts.

The first person to come forward was Carl Eilert. He pointed out that sixty days ago he had provided the Planning Commission with questions and was told at that time that his questions would be considered and the Commission would provide answers to them in a timely fashion. Eilert said that at a meeting thirty days after he had supplied the questions and was assured he would have answers, no answers had been forthcoming. He was assured at that time his questions would be answered promptly. Eilert said that at this point in time he still had not received any answers to any of his questions. Renter said that the City’s Compliance Officer had underwent knee replacement surgery and then experienced complications from the surgery and had not been available for quite some time. She told Eilert that he would have answers to his questions but not at this time.

Eilert voiced his opinion that his questions and their answers must not be important to the Commission because it appeared they would take action on the Comprehensive Plan at this meeting without answers being provided. He said when and if he received answers the deed would have already been done.

Next to address the Commission was Dave Porter. He told the Commission members that it appeared many of the decisions they were making were based on faulty data. In the information provided to the Commission by the consultants, contentions were made that Beloit was a fast growing town and would need to consider expansion. Porter discussed the extensive research he had personally conducted and his finding indicated at the current rate of growth, Beloit would double in size in 120 years. He pointed out also that Beloit and Mitchell County has experienced a declining growth rate for the past 22 years. He said that the supposed need for the three mile zoning jurisdiction is based on a growth rate that simply does not exist.

Becky Crumbaker said that those attending the meeting wanted to be heard and recognized as citizens of Mitchell County. She voiced the opinion that up until this point most of the interested people had grave concerns regarding being heard or recognized.

Crumbaker explained that ALL of the major inventions of mankind had one thing in common. – they did not come from a government committee but instead came from a free thinking individual.

She then posed a question regarding people’s desire to live in countries such a Sub-Sahara Africa, North Korea, or Syria. She said it was obvious none of us would trade our lives in Kansas for anyone of those states. Why? she asked. Repressive governments. Too much government intervention leads to people losing their rights and freedoms.

Indicating those people in the packed room, Crumbaker posed the question, “Do you represent these people who are here asking to have their wishes heard or do you represent a nameless entity called “government?” She wrapped up her comments by saying, “Please respect and represent the wishes of the people. Your vote will tell us if you represent people or the government.”

Tom Claussen was the last person to speak to the Planning Commission. Claussen is the Chairperson of the Mitchell County Commissioners. He said he has attended most of the Planning Commission meetings and that about 100 people had spoken to him about the Three Mile Zoning jurisdiction. He said all but one person had voiced opinions against it. Claussen said he asked the one person who favored the Zoning why he did. The person said, “We need more control and power.”

He said that in every governmental circle, politicians supported the idea of less government, not more. He asked the Commission to start a trend in Mitchell County by taking a stand for less, not more, government.

Seeing nobody else approaching the microphone, Renter declared the Open Hearing closed at 7:21 p.m.

Commission member Greg Drum asked a question of those in attendance. “Is anybody in the audience in favor of the three mile zoning jurisdiction?” Not one hand was raised.

Drum then made a motion that the Planning Commission forward the Comprehensive Plan to the City Council with the Three Mile Zoning Jurisdiction deleted. The motion was seconded by Andrew Grabon. A vote was taken which indicated Drum and Grabon were in favor of the motion and Kathy Roberts, Nick Richmond, and Cheryl Renter were opposed to the motion. The motion failed with two votes for and three votes against.

At this point Greg Drum read a prepared statement. He said he would vote for the Comprehensive Plan because at the last meeting the Chair and those in favor of the Plan gave assurances that any zoning would be at the absolute minimum. Any changes in the nature of the zoning would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. Drum said with those assurances in place, he could support it.

A motion was made to approve Resolution 2015-01 which would forward the Comprehensive Plan to the City Council for its consideration. Voting for the motion were Roberts, Richmond, Drum and Renter. Voting against the motion was Grabon. The Resolution was adopted by a 4-1 vote.

The meeting was adjourned.