The Mitchell County Hospital Health Systems Board of Trustees met last night to discuss a full agenda of topics of interest to the Hospital.  The meeting began with an executive session to discuss risk management and the Q and A Report.  Next the Board approved the agenda, minutes from last month's meeting, and the consent agenda.  

This month's department update came from Paula Jones of Hospice.  She stated that they currently have six patients and have had 32 since the beginning of the year.  This is running average as compared to the past three years.  Hospice went live with a new electronic records system on April 1, and currently have an 84% accuracy rate within that system.  One goal discussed for the next year is to re-establish a bereavement program within the community.

The Board next heard a Studer update from Darren True, in which he shared that the Hospital has a score of 97 within the program.  Studer's average hospital score is 44, so the Board was happy to hear the that Studer program is going so well at MCHHS.  He also reported that the next Studer conference is in November in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In the Administrative Report, CEO Jeremy Armstrong updated the Board on the Management Action Plan for fiscal year 2017.  He then shared with the Board that there had been a state survey done at the Resident Care Center, and the State was very complimentary in their report.  There were zero deficiencies found in the kitchen and only seven on the floor - four of which were in relation to documentation for one patient.  Mr. Armstrong also updated the Board on continuing changes in healthcare the the effects of legislation on our local hospital.

In old business, the Board discussed the use of an electronic board portal for information sharing and storing.  The Board reviewed systems Board Effects and Director Point, but decided to table any action so that more information on cost could be gathered before any action would be taken.  Each system would have equipment cost, monthly fees, and one year contract.  The Board was also asked to review a physician recruitment package and approve Mr. Armstrong's proposed changes.

In new business, the Board approved the purchase of a blood gas analyzer costing $16,900.  The original budgeted amount for this purchase was $24,000 and the estimated cost savings per year was $42,000, so the Board approved this purchase.  Also approved was action to refinance the Hospital's revenue bonds and participation in the Kansas Heart and Stroke Collaborative.  A positive outcome for our community with this grant is that funds to have a transition manager and lifestyle manager for qualifying outgoing patients would be made available.

Finally, the Board recognized service awards for Rita Rowlinson in Dietary for 35 years and Jason Carr in Plant Operations for 10 years.  The Board was appreciative of their years of service.  

The meeting was then adjourned to executive session to discuss medical staff credentials and non-elected personnel.