Monday October 10th Mitchell County Commissioners Meeting


Mitchell County Commissioners


Monday, October 10, 2016


By Terry Bailey



The Mitchell County Commissioners met on Monday October 10th at the Mitchell County Courthouse. Kelly Hawk presented his monthly report for September. The EMS responded to 54 calls in September. Sixteen of those calls were standby during athletic events where no patients were transported. There were 47 calls in Beloit, four in Cawker City, two in Tipton and one in Glen Elder. The peak times for the calls were between the hours of 9 A.M. and Noon and 6 to 8 P.M. accounting for nearly half of all calls. The average patient age was 65. The service billed out a total of $33,913 for the month.

The commissioners asked Hawk to put together a report to compare Mitchell County EMS to others EMS Departments in the region. Hawk was also questioned about items the EMS provides as public relations giveaways. Hawk said they have small footballs as well as Frisbees as giveaway items. They also provide coloring books and crayons which are typically given out at health fairs. The commissioners agreed that the coloring books and crayons were a good idea. They believed it best to reduce the spending on novelty type items.

There was a discussion with County Clerk Chris Treaster on the upcoming election. Treaster is also the county election official. Many people are unsure of voting procedures because of the court battles with Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office. As of the latest ruling, all people who registered at motor vehicle offices or using a federal form who did not provide proof of citizenship will be allowed to vote in all elections including local, state and federal.
Treaster reminded the group that the registration deadline is October 18 to be able to vote in the November 8 general election. She also said that advanced voting will begin on October 19.

Larry Emerson reported there is mowing and blade patching going on in the county as weather permits.

Funds for new courthouse decorations are being sought. The project received $3,500 from the Mitchell County Community Foundation grant through the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. Michelle Heidrick applied for the remaining $4,200 needed from Mitchell County Tourism. They gave $1,000. The commissioners approved providing an additional $1,000 during the meeting resulting in $2,200 yet needed by fundraising. Citizens interested in donating to the project can do so at the Beloit Area Chamber of Commerce office in Beloit.

It was also announced that there will be no commissioners meeting on October 31. The commissioners do not typically meet on a fifth Monday of any given month.



With all business on the agenda completed, the meeting was adjourned.